Thursday, 9 April 2015

The Vintage Hunt

Any new addition to a wardrobe is cause for celebration, but for some the prospect of a non- new item can cause an even bigger shopping high. No one can adequately put their finger on what makes vintage or second-hand clothing so dang appealing but appealing it most definitely is. Perhaps it’s the desperate desire to have an out-there original piece or the triumphant feeling of the hunt as you grasp in your clutches the only item in the charity shop that isn’t four sizes too big. If the faint smell of grannies and moth balls isn't too overpowering for your taste or a recent trip into Topshop made you want to weep at the state of your expenses then maybe you too should try the pre-owned love hype! Before one goes into battle, however, there are a few important hints and tips any second-hand soldier should know.
Shot taken from a recent Lou Lou's Vintage Fare I attended in Swansea 
Know the difference between second-hand and vintage. Yes, there is a difference and yes, they are often confused for one another. To put it simply, second hand is pre-owned and no longer wanted, often cheap and cheerful, think charity shop and normal Ebay auctions; Vintage is from a specific era and so reflects it, also reflected in its price (££££££), often rare. If it’s genuine vintage you aspire to then try to keep to classic pieces such as a black 60’s shift dress or perhaps a timeless 50’s prom dress to keep the cost minimal. If second hand is more your cup of tea then the world is your oyster!
Plenty of places in Swansea cater for the second-hand and vintage inclined. Talking to some of my friend’s on the subject, Gemma says, “charity shops are the best because if you search for vintage online it’s usually just a copycat style and it’s so much more expensive”, she also personally recommends the British Heart Foundation. Also look out for pop-up vintage stalls that are becoming more and more popular.  Poppy also suggests, “Hobo’s, near Wetherspoon’s in town. It’s my favourite place in the city center, they do vintage esque-novelty things too and things for the home as well as clothes!” With a whole selection of vintage Levi denim jackets it’s certainly worth a visit.
Traipsing round charity shops can, however, have a horrible habit of being fruitless, with nothing to show from your efforts than blisters and a tension headache. That’s why your best second hand resource, and in life in general, is the internet. Imagine the scene – you walk into a Shop and see the most beautiful *insert your clothing of choice* ever but with a hefty price tag, is an infeasible dream. What do you do? Walk away? Abandon it? NEVER!! Try searching the realms of Ebay and other clothe selling platforms online. For instance the app industry has developed some amazing platforms for selling and buying clothes. Try Depop and Vinted, you can be amazed with what you could find! Someone else’s trash is another’s treasure. Wait long enough and SOMEONE, SOMEWHERE will be selling the item you wanted in your size, often at a starting bid of 99p. Trust me it’s worth the wait.

Now you’re equipped with a few hints and tips that should allow you to go into battle with the endless rails of rubbish to find that shining beacon of light, a.k.a something pretty and unique, that can’t be find on the high street. 

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